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Valerie Jones

When Nathan was 2 or 3 years old, he loved pockets and was constantly tripping and falling and scraping up his face because his hands were in his pockets and he couldn't catch himself.

One time, we were at the reservoir for a Jones family cook-out and he was off playing with the other kids, climbing on the rocks and running around. It was a cooler time of year and he was wearing his coat and where do you think his hands were? They were in the coat pockets! He tripped over some rocks and fell face-first into a pile of bigger rocks. His face was all scraped up, and he had a broken tooth and a big split just underneath the point of his chin.  We bandaged him up and took him to the dentist to get the tooth fixed. When the dentist was working on his tooth, he grabbed Nathan's chin and made him yelp.

I was done with having him look like he had road rash on his face all the time so I took all of his clothes that had pockets and sewed them closed. I remember how mad Nathan was that his pockets didn't work anymore.  He tried to talk me into opening them back up, but I refused to. We talked about this just a few weeks ago and he laughed and said, "I remember how mad I was that you sewed my pockets closed!"

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