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Jared Close


Nathan and I met 14 years ago while working for a little company called LearnKey. I was the computer guy there, tasked with setting up his new computer. The main office sent over his name as N Jones, so without a first name I thought to give the new guy a fun nickname for his PC... Indy Jones. Well the first day he started he logged in and was pretty happy about being compared to Indiana Jones. I asked him if he'd ever had a nickname, he replied with "none that I like" and thus the nickname stuck. From then on, he was Indy to me.

He went onto his mission, he was really excited to go. I remember we talked over email and he shared some of his experiences. The most standout that comes to mind was him telling me a story, how some people open the door with no shirt on and how he'd have to press through the uncomfortable conversation anyway. He always talked about Malta like it was the most wonderful place he'd been, and it showed in his love for cooking that was no doubt influenced by his time there.


When he got back I was working for InfoWest, an internet company. After telling my boss I knew a guy way smarter than myself and a short interview later Indy was hired on the spot. A hardworking guy he rose through the ranks until one day he got the short end of the stick and was let go. He was devastated but didn't stay that way for long, he resiliently picked himself back up and took a leap to Salt Lake. He worked and saved, while we made a plan to go on an epic journey to Hawaii.


We moved, with a scant bit of luggage and as many plans as we could plan. Our first apartment fell through the moment we landed. Undeterred we began apartment hunting the very next day from a dingy motel room. The first place had termites, the second we couldn't hardly fit through the door. Eventually after many more disappointments we found our lucky break and nailed down an apartment. We celebrated with pizza and garlic knots, a happier bunch you've never seen. We eventually furnished the place and found jobs. This time Indy got the job first and recommended myself for a position, we started the same week and were lucky enough to be in the same training class. Indy had a good friend come live in Hawaii to finish school, once that happened we became the Three Amigos. Spending time at the beach and at niche little food places. Years went by, wonderful years. Living with Indy was a true joy, sure we butted heads sometimes but we always came out stronger for it.


Due to health issues with my mom I decided to return to Utah. Indy and I still talked on the phone or sent each other the latest song or video game to check out. We bought each other a game just last month...


Indy is my very best friend, I've never known a more giving and honest individual. He taught me many things about life and how to always hold yourself with an heir of dignity. There are many more stories I could tell, many more memories to relive. Indy made a real impact on my life and he will never be forgotten.

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